Huff Post, Nov 3 - Ryanair, ever the bastion of reason in modern airline travel, issued its annual Cabin Crew Charity Calendar on Wednesday.
The airline aims to raise nearly 100,000€ for DebRA, a U.K.-based charity, which will in turn provide 50 families, each with children who suffer from epidermolysis bullosa skin condition, to enjoy a vacation in Malaga, Spain.
This is the fourth such calendar for the airline, which has to date raised some 400,000€ for charity.
The airline is selling the calendars on its flights, online and from DebRA's charity shops in Ireland and Spain.
Yet this isn't the first time an airline has used its flight attendants' good looks to get ahead. Sir Richard Branson enlisted his buddy Elle Macpherson to model the new uniforms for Virgin Blue back in February.
Ryanair needs all the good press (if you can call it that) it can get. In October, the airline caught flack for removing toilets on some planes to make room for extra seats and aborting a flight after tape on the window came loose.
Hey, nothing says support a good cause like half-naked women, right? Right?
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